
Born to be blue este sábado en el Cinematógrafo
Este sábado en el Cinematógrafo de la Escuela de Artes de Mazatlán se proyecta la película “Born to be blue” (2015) del director Canadiense Robert Budreau (That Beautiful Somewhere, 2006).

Esta función de acceso gratuito para el público forma parte de las actividades del Mazatlán Jazz Fest Chilo que se realiza en Mazatlán con el apoyo de Proyecto Centro Histórico y el Instituto Municipal de Cultura.

La historia se centra en una determinada etapa de la vida del trompetista Chet Baker (Ethan Hawke), quien después de salir de la cárcel con ayuda de un director de cine, intenta reconstruir su carrera filmando una película biográfica, cuando un romance surge con su coestrella Jane (Carmen Ejogo).

Ella intentará ayudar al músico autodestructivo entre mantenerse limpio de drogas, su pasado y reivindicar su talento. El filme progresa entre una fotografía estilizada y swing.

Los esperamos 18:00 horas.  Entrada libre.  Cupo limitado.


Born to be blue this Saturday at the Cinema of the School of Arts

This Saturday in the Cinema salon of the School of Arts of Mazatlan, the film "Born to be Blue" (2015) by Canadian director Robert Budreau (That Beautiful Somewhere, 2006) will be projected.

This function, with free access for the public is part of the Mazatlan Jazz Fest Chilo activities that takes place in Mazatlan with the support of Proyecto Centro Histórico and the Instituto de Cultura de Mazatlan.

The story focuses on a certain stage in the life of trumpeter Chet Baker (Ethan Hawke), who after leaving prison with the help of a film director, tries to reconstruct his career by filming a biographical film, when a romance arises with his co-star Jane (Carmen Ejogo).

She will try to help the self-destructive musician between staying clean of drugs, his past and claiming his talent. The film progresses between stylized photography and swing.

We hope to see you at 6:00 p.m. Free entry. Limited availability.